RMC Consulting & Testing Services

“We’re committed to quality through rigorous testing, ensuring every project meets the highest standards of safety, durability, and excellence.”

Why testing is Important

Testing in the fields of concrete, aggregate, and in-situ concrete plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality, safety, and longevity of construction projects. By conducting rigorous testing, we can identify potential weaknesses, verify material properties, and guarantee compliance with industry standards. This proactive approach not only mitigates risks associated with structural failures but also enhances efficiency, reduces costly rework, and ultimately contributes to the overall success and reliability of construction endeavors. Testing serves as a critical quality control measure, empowering builders, engineers, and stakeholders to deliver structures that withstand the test of time and meet the highest standards of excellence.

Quality Control and
Assessment Audited By


Head of Center – SC Square
Co-Founder       –  ICOMAT, Chennai
                                    IBM & Tech, Coimbatore

Engineer G. Sivakumar, a Post graduate in Civil Engineering, has more than three decades of experience in the field of Civil Engineering. Since 1997, his area of focus has been Concrete Technology both in India and in South East Asian Countries. He is a pioneer in developement and implementation of various high performance concrete products across India in various sectors of construction. In the pursuit to extend his support to concrete construction he has founded SC Square, a concrete technology center based at chennai.

With ICOMAT, a construction materials testing laboratory that he has co-founded with IIT Madras in 2010, Er. G. Sivakumar is actively involved in material science as well. He has established IBM & technology, another construction materials testing center in coimbatore sector.

He is involved in devoloping concrete admixtures of international standards along with polymer technologists to take forward the devolopement in concrete technology. He is actively involved in training and knowledge sharing for various organization, associations and institutions.

Testings We Do

Concrete Testing

Ensuring structural integrity through precise analysis of concrete composition and strength properties, providing essential data for engineers to optimize structural designs and ensure long-term performance.

Aggregate Testing

Quality assurance through meticulous examination of aggregate properties for optimal concrete performance, ensuring consistency in material quality and minimizing the risk of concrete defects or failures.

In-Situ Concrete Testing

On-site verification of concrete quality and durability to uphold construction standards and safety protocols, facilitating real-time adjustments to construction processes and ensuring adherence to project specifications.

Cement Testing

Thorough analysis of cement properties ensures adherence to strength, durability, and setting time requirements, crucial for the integrity of concrete structures.

Fly Ash Testing

Evaluation of fly ash characteristics verifies its suitability as a supplementary cementitious material, contributing to concrete's strength, durability, and sustainability.

GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) Testing

Precise examination of GGBS properties confirms its effectiveness as a partial replacement for cement, enhancing concrete's long-term durability and reducing environmental impact.

Steel Testing

Comprehensive testing of steel materials ensures compliance with strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance standards, vital for structural stability and safety in construction projects.

Admixture Testing

Thorough assessment of admixture properties validates their ability to improve concrete workability, enhance strength, and mitigate potential issues such as segregation and bleeding.

Silica Fume Testing

Examination of silica fume characteristics verifies its suitability as a pozzolanic material, enhancing concrete strength, impermeability, and resistance to chemical attack, contributing to durable and sustainable construction solutions.

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